10 Reasons My Toddlers Are Screaming

My babies are turning into toddlers. It's a tricky time, that time in-between 'baby' and 'big boy girl'. It's frustrating for parents and toddlers and now we have the inevitable tantrums!

My Toddler is Screaming...for no reason at all. The fickle nature of toddlers and why they scream.

A few months ago, I would have been writing a post entitled “10 Reasons my Delightful Toddler Twins are Laughing”. It’s so adorable isn’t it? Those pudgy little cheeks, soggy and plump. Those tiny little hands, perfect in every way. And the joyous sound of your baby giggling. This is what made my happy cherub babies laugh a few months ago.

My Baby Hall of Laughing Fame

My Toddler is Screaming...for no reason at all. The fickle nature of toddlers and why they scream.

  1. They got up.
  2. I played peek a boo.
  3. I gave her ‘poo mouse’ her adored teddy.
  4. I offered them a biscuit.
  5. I looked at them.
  6. I blew a raspberry on their tummy.
  7. We read a book together.
  8. We got the stacking cups out of the box.
  9. Mummy went to the toilet.
  10. My twin said hello.

But then they turned 18 months and it’s like they’re practising for being 2. Those cute fluffy giggles? Gone. Chubby little smiles? Gone. Screaming hysterically? You got it! Pushing and shoving? Hmm, that too.

OK, so it must be frustrating not being able to do pretty much anything you want:

“Mummy won’t let me play with the toilet brush ARRRRRHHHHH…..” (makes body go stiff and board-like in protest)


“I want to poke my eye out with this sharp skewer” (rolls around on floor flailing limbs and bashing head)

or how about

“I want to help you change his diaper, WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?” (shrieks, yells, goes red in the face….nope, blue in the face…)

What really gets me though, is the fickleness of it all. Last week we were all laughing. Today we’re screaming…no hang on laughing….no screaming…

Good bye Dr Jekyll. Enter Mr Hyde.

Screaming about nothing in particular? OK, something in particular. Like being offered a biscuit. Or a toy.

It’s a tough life being a toddler with all these adults trying to make me feel better.

If only…

They’d leave me alone….


So here, let me present…

the ‘you never know what you’re going to get’…laughing, crying, screaming?…

My Baby Hall of Screaming…no Laughing…no, who am I kidding?…

My Baby Hall of Screaming Fame…

My Toddler is Screaming...for no reason at all. The fickle nature of toddlers and why they scream.

  1. They got up.
  2. I played peek a boo.
  3. I gave her ‘poo mouse’ her adored teddy.
  4. I offered them a biscuit.
  5. I looked at them.
  6. I blew a raspberry on their tummy.
  7. We read a book together.
  8. We got the stacking cups out of the box.
  9. Mummy went to the toilet.
  10. My twin said hello.
  11. My mum offered me another biscuit. I DON”T WANT A BISCUIT. oh wait, is that chocolate?

My Toddler is Screaming...for no reason at all. The fickle nature of toddlers and why they scream.

P.S. Please remember that parenting can be tough and bad days happen but it's an awesome time to watch them grow and learn and become little people!