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The Perk of Your Toddler Waking Too Early

I’m snuggling deep in my duvet, comforted by the warmth and softness around me. From far away I hear a little cry. I fumble for the clock. 5.50. Too early! I stagger out of bed, the cobwebs of sleep clinging to me. I stumble into my toddler’s room, hoping he won’t wake the rest of the house. It appears he’s fallen out of his duvet so I scoop him up and dive back into bed.

The Perk of Your Toddler Waking Too Early. It can be so frustrating when you toddler wakes at the crack of dawn, but there is one great benefit...

The second he is cacoon-ed in my little nest of warmth, he falls asleep. That soft fuzzy hair tickles my nose. His peachy skin, so kiss-able, so touchable. His little snore, fuzzing away like the little trains he loves to play with.

I don’t do early mornings. We don’t normally get out of bed until 7.30. I think a good night’s sleep makes me a better parent.

But these are moments that we must cherish. We must drink them in. Absorb them. Grasp everything that we can.

His softness, his baby-ness.

His toddler-ness.

His Sebatian-ness.

For now, for today I’m going to enjoy this moment. I’m not going to struggle and fight and think about how tired I’ll be later and how I don’t want to foster his habit of waking up early.

For now, for today I’m going to build memories for our future. Memories of soft, warm cuddles with my little children.

I suspect that tomorrow he’ll wake up early too. He’ll want to come and have a cuddle in my bed again and as much as I love early morning cuddles with him, I also cherish a good night’s sleep for us both. No doubt, I’ll have to convince him that he wants to go back to sleep in his own room.

But for now, for today, I’m going to snuggle close and seize this early morning snuggle with all my heart.

The Perk of Your Toddler Waking Too Early. It can be so frustrating when you toddler wakes at the crack of dawn, but there is one great benefit...


Join more than 5348 parents who are confident feeding their toddlers a healthy diet because they are in Dr Orlena's community. Be the first to hear about new classes, courses and products.


Join more than 5348 parents who are confident feeding their toddlers a healthy diet because they are in Dr Orlena's community. Be the first to hear about new classes, courses and products.