Healthy Home Made Trail Mix. Healthy Snacks for Kids.

Every day my kids take a snack to school. They want something “cool and exciting” so that they don’t feel jealous of all their friends who often take biscuits and candy. I want them to have an awesome snack, that they will love but is also healthy, nutritious and easy for me. Homemade trail mix is just that, an easy and healthy snack that my kids love.

How to Make Home Made Trail Mix. A Healthy Snack for Kid

Nuts and seeds are a great source of naturally unsaturated oils which help fill those little tummies. They contribute to that feeling of being full (posh word is ‘satiety’.) So that they aren’t asking for more food half an hour later.

Dried fruit is a great source of natural fibre. So our homemade trail mix is full of good healthy oils, fibre, vitamins and minerals without salt, refined sugar or processed oils.

Plus it teaches children to reach for healthy foods rather than a packet of crisps or a biscuit.

My kids love it and will often ask to take nuts and seeds to school for their snack.

Ingredients of Home Made Trail Mix.

Anything you want really! Any packet of unsalted, unsugared dried fruit, seeds or nuts. Be sure to check out the packets though to see what else is added. (Some of them add oils too.)

  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Pumpking seeds.
  • Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts.
  • Raisins.
  • Cranberries.
  • Dates.
  • Figs.
  • Apricots.
  • Coconut.

How to Make Healthy Home Made Trail Mix.

  • Tip it all together.
  • Mix.
  • Take to school in little pots.

My kids love "making" the trail mix. They just empty all the packets together. They take them to school in cute little plastic pots. Galen who is 7, can even pack his own now. He feels very grown up and independent. 

They would happily take nuts, seeds and dried fruit to school every day if I let them but I like them to vary their snacks and take different fresh fruits too.

As an added bonus, they are also teaching their friends about healthy snacks.  They all get excited and share the sunflower seeds around. They've managed to turn home made trail mix into as "cool and exciting". Nearly as cool and exciting as cookies.

Healthy Snack Guide for Children

If you find it really difficult to provide healthy snacks for your children, here’s the perfect answer. My simple guide to how to make snacks healthy will show you how to make easy and simple snacks that are healthy. Simply enter your email address (which will sign you up to my newsletter). You’ll receive your guide plus you get weekly tips from me to help encourage you. If you ever want to unsubscribe, there is a link in every email.

How to Make Home Made Trail Mix. A Healthy Snack for Kid