Homemade popsicles are a great way to keep cool in the summer. You can make them with pretty much any fruit, with or without yoghurt. These plum popsicles are refreshing and a healthy snack. Plus they are normally cheaper than shop bought ones.
One of the things I love about popsicles is that it’s a great way to use up any fruit that is left around and needs eating up. Just stew it up and mix it with yoghurt.
I know these look like I’ve added food colouring but I promise they are just fruit, yoghurt and a splash of vanilla.
You don’t have to worry too much about quantities. I’ve written down what I did just to give you an idea. Feel free to make it up as you go along!
Plum Popsicle Ingredients
400g plums
250 mls full fat greek yoghurt
5ml vanilla extract (opional)
Plum Popsicle Recipe Method
- Gently simmer the plums with a little water for 10 minutes.
- Allow them to cool. (I normally put them in the fridge and do the next stage the next day.)
- Remove the stones.
- Add the yoghurt and vanilla.
- Whizz up with a food processor.
- Pour into your popsicle moulds.
- Freeze over night.
These are super yummy and super healthy. My toddlers wake up from their nap and normally go straight to the freezer for a lolly.
Cool and refreshing!